Is it a discriminatory act to investigate a potential worker when he or she applies for a job? What I mean is it a discriminatory act for a company that will hire a worker to investigate if the information provided by the worker in the application is truthful?.Could you kindly explain the definition of inherent requirements of the job.What does equal pay for work of equal value mean? What measures can the employer put in place to improve this imbalance? We hear a lot about pay differences between women and men.How does sexual harassment relate to discrimination?.How does the national non-discrimination law relate to the international labour standards on non-discrimination?.

What is the role of workers in non-discrimination at the workplace?.How do you incorporate the principle of non-discrimination in policies at the workplace, especially in Human Resources measures?.Has a positive link been demonstrated between equality in the workplace and good business performance?.What are the advantages of a diverse workplace?.Where can discrimination occur in the workplace?.Does giving preferential treatment in hiring indigenous populations in a community in which the company is operating constitute discrimination?.Is the use of polygraphs by companies for recruitment purposes considered a violation of international labour standards and international human rights standards?.To what extent can this recruitment practice be considered a breach of ILO conventions related to discrimination? How can a company respect ILO principles related to discrimination without putting at risk the health and safety of its workers? This job cannot be adapted, so as a consequence the company does not want to receive applications from older people, persons of smaller builds, women or disabled persons. A company wants to recruit a worker for a job that requires physical strength.Is there any distinction which is not considered discriminatory?.What are the prohibited bases of discrimination in employment?.What does the term “discrimination in employment and occupation” mean?.We found during a supplier audit that the employment contracts with employees contains the following clause: “Company retains the right to transfer the employees upfront.” Is this consistent with your standards?.